RECIPE - Nannan Brooker's Trifle!

Nannan Brooker's Trifle




1 x small Raspberry Swiss Rolls

5 x tblsp Sherry (Optional)

2 x small tins of Raspberries

1x tin of custard

2 x bananas

1x carton of Double cream

2 x tblsp of sugar

4 x squares of chocolate  (grated)



1.     Cut the Swiss roll into small pieces and put them into a trifle dish.

2.     Add a layer of raspberries and a few tablespoons of the juice from the tin. (you could also add a little sherry at this stage)

3.     Chop the banana and lay on top of the raspberries.

4.     Add a layer of custard.

5.     Whip the cream and add 2 tablespoons of sugar, add this to the top of the trifle.

6.     Grate the chocolate and sprinkle on the top of the cream.




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